Getting Started


  • a C89 (ANSI C) or a C++ compiler.

Note: The automatic registration of tests requires a widespread compiler-specific feature that places data in a given memory section. The compilers currently supported are the GNU compilers (clang, gcc, icc) and MSVC.


Just the One File

The simplest option to be good to go is to copy the file rexo.h into your source directory.

The folder containing the file rexo.h needs to be recognized as an include directory by your compiler, which will make Rexo available by using #include <rexo.h> in your code.

The Whole Repository

Instead of copying solely the rexo.h file, you could also grab the whole code repository, which brings in some additional features such as being able to link against the library using CMake.

Additionally, Git can be used to add Rexo's repository as a submodule of your project, thus allowing to conveniently pull updates at any time. This can be done by running the git submodule command from within the directory where Rexo should be added to:

git submodule add

Note: Linking against the Rexo library using CMake is really simple. If your project Foo has a structure on disk similar to this one:

├── deps/
│   └── rexo/
│       └── ...
├── src/
├── tests/
└── CMakeLists.txt

Then you'd only have to add two lines to your own CMakeFiles.txt file:

target_link_libraries(foo PRIVATE rexo)

Writing a First Test

To verify that everything is correctly set-up, create a new file containing a simple test like the minimal one from the guides section, compile it, and run it!