Compile-Time Configuration

One strength of single-file header libraries is that they allow to easily change some behaviour at compile-time by allowing to redefine some macros before including rexo.h.

This page lists all such macros that can be overridden if desired.

Note: See the guide for a detailed example.

Flag Macros


Sets the storage class qualifier of the public functions to extern.


If not set, the public functions are defined with the static qualifier instead.


Enables the usage of the standard *nprintf functions.


If neither the RX_ENABLE_NPRINTF nor the RX_DISABLE_NPRINTF macros are explicitly defined, the standard *nprintf functions are used depending on the language (C or C++) and its version.


Disables the usage of the standard *nprintf functions.


If neither the RX_ENABLE_NPRINTF nor the RX_DISABLE_NPRINTF macros are explicitly defined, the standard *nprintf functions are used depending on the language (C or C++) and its version.

This macro takes precedence over the [RX_ENABLE_NPRINTF][macro-rx_enable-nprintf] macro.


Enables the usage of variadic macros.


If neither the RX_ENABLE_VARIADIC_MACROS nor the RX_DISABLE_VARIADIC_MACROS macros are explicitly defined, variadic macros are used depending on the language (C or C++) and its version.

See the variadic macros gotcha.


Disables the usage of variadic macros.


If neither the RX_ENABLE_VARIADIC_MACROS nor the RX_DISABLE_VARIADIC_MACROS macros are explicitly defined, variadic macros are used depending on the language (C or C++) and its version.

This macro takes precedence over the [RX_ENABLE_VARIADIC_MACROS][macro-rx_enable-variadic-macros] macro.

See the variadic macros gotcha.


Enables the debugging mode.


If neither the RX_ENABLE_DEBUGGING nor the RX_DISABLE_DEBUGGING macros are explicitly defined, the debugging mode is enabled depending on the values of the DEBUG and NDEBUG macros.

This takes precedence over the RX_DISABLE_DEBUGGING macro.


Disables the debugging mode.


If neither the RX_ENABLE_DEBUGGING nor the RX_DISABLE_DEBUGGING macros are explicitly defined, the debugging mode is enabled depending on the values of the DEBUG and NDEBUG macros.


Disables logging.


It suppresses any log that is intended to be displayed in the shell.


Defines the logging level.


The logging level can be set to only output logs of a level greater or equal to the given one, e.g.: if the macro RX_SET_LOGGING_LEVEL_INFO is set, then logs of the info, warning, and error levels are printed out.

See the enum rx_log_level enumerator for a description of each level.


Disables the styling of logs in the shell.


If the RX_LOG macro hasn't been redefined, its default implementation adds colours to the logs outputted to Unix shells in order to visually highlight some bits of information and to help with readability.

The RX_DISABLE_LOG_STYLING macro ensures that no styling is ever applied to the output logs.


Disables the automatic discovery of tests.


Type Macros


Override the unsigned integer 32-bit type.

#define RX_UINT32_TYPE

See the rx_uint32 type for more info.


Override the unsigned integer 64-bit type.

#define RX_UINT64_TYPE

See the rx_uint64 type for more info.


Override the size_t type.

#define RX_SIZE_TYPE

See the rx_size type for more info.

Function-Like Macros


Assertion macro.

#define RX_ASSERT(condition)

Its purpose is to output an error when the argument condition evaluates to zero. The default implementation runs this check only when the NDEBUG macro is set, otherwise it does nothing.

If not redefined, the standard header file assert.h is included.


Allocation macro.

#define RX_MALLOC(size)

Allocates the given size in bytes of uninitialized storage.

It returns a pointer to the allocated block of memory, or NULL if the operation failed.

If not redefined, the standard header file stdlib.h is included.


Reallocation macro.

#define RX_REALLOC(ptr, size)

Reallocates the given block of memory pointed by ptr. It is being done either by expanding/shrinking the existing block of memory, if possible, or allocating a new block of memory otherwise, before copying the data over and freeing the previous block.

It returns a pointer to the reallocated block of memory.

If the operation failed, NULL is returned and the original block of memory isn't freed.

If not redefined, the standard header file stdlib.h is included.


Deallocation macro.

#define RX_FREE(ptr)

Deallocates the given block of memory pointed by ptr, that was previously allocated through RX_MALLOC or RX_REALLOC.

If not redefined, the standard header file stdlib.h is included.


Logging macro.

#define RX_LOG(level, format, ...)

Prints a message to stderr with a level defined through enum rx_log_level.

The content of the message is defined through a combination of the format argument and the variadic arguments, in a similar fashion to the standard printf() function.